Assessing the barriers and challenges in realization the goals of character education in elementary schools in different countries: Systematic review

Document Type : Review Article


1 PhD Student in Educational Psychology, University of Tehran

2 Associate Professor, Faculty of Educational Psychology, University of Tehran

3 PhD Student in Educational Psychology, University of Shahid Beheshti


The Characteristic approach is one of the important approaches in the field of values education and has a kind of compatibility with the basics and principles of education in the transmission of religious values ​​and on the determination and consolidation of values ​​by cultural and social elders or by Insists on instructional, educational, religious, cultural, and possibly political institutions. The purpose of this study is to identify the challenges and barriers that occur in the path of character education realization in elementary schools in different countries. This research is a qualitative approach and in terms of design is review. Therefore, the databases PsycInfo, Emerald, Sage, Pub Med and Science Direct were examined. After removing the articles disproportionate to the purpose of the research, a full review was conducted on the remaining 20 articles, which included examining the barriers to character education. The results showed that barriers are divided into three general categories: government, school and parents; Barriers created by the government generally include the level of government support and the challenge of monitoring, designing and evaluating. The main classification of school challenges also includes challenges in design, achievement of goals and evaluation. Barriers created by parents can be summarized in two general cases: insufficient supervision of children and lack of effective cooperation with the school. Therefore, according to the results of the present study, the need for more attention and cooperation of these three social institutions is felt


Main Subjects